Achilles heel - physiotherapy

Your Achilles Heel is the back part of your heel, where the tendons connect to the calf muscle. Once injured it can take longer to heal because of the lack of blood flow to the affected area.

Achilles Heel Physiotherapy

The Achilles Heel can be injured in a lot of different ways, the most common of which are: weaker calf muscles as the tendon connects to the calf muscle, not recovering sufficiently between exercises, and wearing high heels, as that shortens the tendon, and then stretches it again when undertaking exercise.

The common signs of an injury to the Achilles Heel are pain which increases over the course of a number of days, but starts to let up once the affected area is rested, the pain is felt more acutely when it is touched, and pain which starts out strongly at the start of exercise, but starts to feel better as you continue.

Do I Need Achilles Heel Physiotherapy?  

If you have experienced any of the above symptoms, then it is likely that you will need Achilles Heel physio. Because the Achilles Heel is constantly in use, whether during walking, running or standing still we need to keep a proper eye on it, and when it becomes injured, it is paramount that treatment is sought as soon as possible, to decrease the chances of further damage.

How Can Achilles Heel Physiotherapy Help Me?

Physiotherapy for an injured Achilles Heel can make a drastic difference and bring back quality of life. When you have injured your Achilles Heel, it can mean that you have to stop doing activities you love. By undertaking Achilles Heel physio you will be able to restore your life back to the way it was.

Where Can I Go For Achilles Heel Physiotherapy?  

In order to experience the best physiotherapy needed for a damaged Achilles tendon, you will need to go to a place that has excellent facilities and expert physiotherapists.

If you’re suffering from any of these symptoms then help is at hand. Physiotherapy is a proven treatment for avhilles heel injuries and our physios are all experienced in diagnosing and treating the condition.

Physio Treatment Costs:

  • Initial assessment (45 mins) £83

  • Consultation (30 mins) £59

NEW CLIENTS: Please note if you have not been to ESPH before, or are presenting a with new condition, please book a new assessment as the first appointment.


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