Wearables 2.0

Black Friday, an occasion previously alien to those outside the US, is now most definitely a worldwide event and we are happy to hop on the bandwagon. The wearable health tech market is expanding at warp speed, as awareness of our ongoing health advances. In the spirit of this, we’ve reviewed some exciting brands that may catch your attention for the sales today or as a stocking filler at Christmas for that (very) special person.

Healthcare 2.0

With the strain on our health systems and a changing landscape within primary care, health tech is attempting to occupy some of the healthcare market slack and the advances in data analysis are impressive, with skin temperature, oximetry (blood oxygen saturation), sleep cycles, and a deeper understanding of activity and recovery that far outperform simpler hardware using data like steps and calories.

Oura ring

First up is the most minimal and arguably the most convenient Oura ring. With no visual interface (all data is shown via the impressive App), this is a ring designed to fit over the index, middle or ring finger. Now in its third evolution, packed with sensors that track you 24/7 and with a battery life that lasts up to 7 days. The naturally tight fit over a finger and close proximity to blood vessels affords high measurement accuracy. The Oura ring is incredibly intuitive, and can also predict sickness before symptoms arise from changes in measurements of body temperature, heart rate and sleep patterns. The minimalism, convenience and intelligence are very eye-catching. The ongoing subscription cost in addition to the hardware purchase may put some off but this is a type of tech to watch out for in the coming years.

Hardware      from £279

Ongoing        £6/month after 6 months FREE

Website        https://ouraring.com/

Whoop 4.0

Designed with elite athletes and performance in mind, Whoop 4.0, has no visual interface but again uses an App to review stats and data. The bracelet comes in a variety of fabric and metal designs, is unobtrusive but certainly looks-wise won’t be everyone’s cup of tea. The Whoop comes into its own for strenuous activity and is therefore ideal for the very keen workout specialist. Heart rate is displayed in real time (rather than delayed on other models), and has a wireless recharge function which is very smart. The Whoop can struggle when it comes to understanding sleep patterns and certainly underperforms in this area, and the monthly subscription costs will undoubtedly be controversial unless underpinned with regular advances in support or data feedback.

Hardware      -

Ongoing        From £18 per month for 18 months. £30/month for 6.

Website        https://join.whoop.com/en-uk/

 Amazfit GTR 3 PRO

Produced by Chinese electronics giant Xiaomi which makes an alarming array of tech kit, the GTR PRO version, a direct competitor to the Apple Watch, is selling like hot cakes and provides a deeper, more sophisticated analysis of activity tracking, continuously scores heart-rate and lifestyle in addition to activity via algorithmic interpretation of your data. Battery life is 10 days, so the rolling 7 day activity analysis is taken care of without a charge required to interrupt the cycle. Recovery guidance, like the whoop, is another standout feature. The price is the cheapest of our 4 reviewed models and is certainly a big attraction.

Hardware      from £179

Ongoing        -

Website        https://uk.amazfit.com/products/amazfit-gtr-3-pro

Apple Watch series 7

With a wealth of options and huge range of apps on board to interact independently or in conjunction with other Apple devices, the Apple watch still packs a big punch. The 7th incarnation has similar functions to #6 but is larger, extremely comfortable and comes in 23 different styles. Health monitors include ECG, oximetry and activity tracking but the outdated calorie, exercise and standing measures now tangibly lag behind the other models on the market. Battery life at a mere 36 hours is also well below the above competition.

Hardware      from £369

Ongoing        -

Website        https://www.apple.com/uk/apple-watch-series-7/


As an iphone user and long-term Apple watch owner, I’m ready to move onwards and upwards. For unobtrusiveness, the Oura ring is the most intriguing. Whoop would be ideal for the elite performer, and for all around tracking and performance, I would be tempted to try the Amazfit, but I may stick with an Apple watch upgrade. The choice is yours but a wearable is a must-have item if you want to successfully navigate your activity/health experience moving forward.


The author is a former UK Decathlon champion, co-founder of FitFor, wears and tracks his activity and workouts daily using a smart-watch.


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